Server replies with this SNAC to SNAC(17,04) - client registration request. This snac mean that registration failed for some reason.

 00 17   word   SNAC family
 00 01   word   SNAC subtype
 00 00   word   SNAC flags
 xx xx xx xx   dword   SNAC request-id
 xx xx   word   error code (see list)
 00 21   word   TLV.Type(0x21)
 xx xx   word   TLV.Length
 00 00 00 00   dword   just zeros
 00 00   word   just zeros
 xx xx xx xx   dword   registration cookie from SNAC(17,04)
 xx xx xx xx   dword   client tcp port
 xx xx xx xx   dword   client ip address
 xx xx xx xx   dword   registration cookie from SNAC(17,04)
 40 04 64 F8   dword   unknown value

Example SNAC dump with flap header:

  2A 02 38 C7 00 2E 00 17  00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  *.8..... ........
  00 05 00 21 00 1E 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 39 12  ...!.... ......9.
  00 00 04 92 08 0A 0A 0A  00 00 00 04 00 00 00 04  ........ ........
  40 04 64 F8					    @.d.

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