Interests email user information packet. If success byte doesn't equal 0x0A - it is last SNAC byte.

 00 15   word   SNAC family
 00 03   word   SNAC subtype
 00 01   word   SNAC flags
 xx xx xx xx   dword   SNAC request-id
 00 01   word   TLV.Type(1) - encapsulated META_DATA
 xx xx   word   TLV.Length
 xx xx   word (LE)   data chunk size (TLV.Length-2)
 xx xx xx xx   dword (LE)   request owner uin
 DA 07   word (LE)   data type: META_DATA
 02 00   word (LE)   request sequence number
 F0 00   word (LE)   data subtype: META_INTERESTS_USERINFO
 0A   char   success byte
 04   char   number of interests (allways 4)
 xx xx   word (LE)   interest1 category code
 xx xx   word (LE)   interest1 keyword string length
 xx .. xx 00   asciiz str   interest1 keyword string
 xx xx   word (LE)   interest2 category code
 xx xx   word (LE)   interest2 keyword string length
 xx .. xx 00   asciiz str   interest2 keyword string
 xx xx   word (LE)   interest3 category code
 xx xx   word (LE)   interest3 keyword string length
 xx .. xx 00   asciiz str   interest3 keyword string
 xx xx   word (LE)   interest4 category code
 xx xx   word (LE)   interest4 keyword string length
 xx .. xx 00   asciiz str   interest4 keyword string

Example SNAC dump with flap header:

  2A 02 5A C5 00 64 00 15 00 03 00 01 00 23 00 02 *.Z..d.......#..
  00 01 00 56 54 00 8F E4 5E 00 DA 07 3B 00 F0 00 ...VT...^...;...
  0A 04 64 00 0E 00 69 6E 74 65 72 65 73 74 31 5F ..d...interest1_
  6B 65 79 00 67 00 0E 00 69 6E 74 65 72 65 73 74 key.g...interest
  32 5F 6B 65 79 00 68 00 0E 00 69 6E 74 65 72 65 2_key.h...intere
  73 74 33 5F 6B 65 79 00 6F 00 0E 00 69 6E 74 65 st3_key.o...inte
  72 65 73 74 34 5F 6B 65 79 00                   rest4_key.

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