Client send this snac during first login. It contain some stats about user registration. Server should reply via SNAC(15,03)/07DA/0302. Warning: they (AOL) may use this data to detect ICQ clones.

 00 15   word   SNAC family
 00 02   word   SNAC subtype
 00 00   word   SNAC flags
 xx xx xx xx   dword   SNAC request-id
 00 01   word   TLV.Type(1) - encapsulated META_DATA
 xx xx   word   TLV.Length
 xx xx   word (LE)   data chunk size (TLV.Length-2)
 xx xx xx xx   dword (LE)   request owner uin
 D0 07   word (LE)   data type: META_DATA_REQ
 xx xx   word (LE)   request sequence number
 A5 0A   word (LE)   data subtype: META_REGISTRATION_STATS
 xx xx   word (LE)   client major version number
 xx xx   word (LE)   client minor version number
 xx xx   word (LE)   client lesser version number
 xx xx   word (LE)   client build version number
 xx xx xx xx   dword (LE)   client distribution number
 00   byte   unknown flag
 xx   byte   1 - email field filled, 0 - not
 xx   byte   1 - firstname field filled, 0 - not
 xx   byte   1 - lastname field filled, 0 - not
 xx   byte   1 - nickname field filled, 0 - not
 xx   byte   1 - publish email, 0 - not
 xx   byte   1 - auth required, 0 - not
 xx   byte   1 - show status on web, 0 - not
 xx   byte   1 - service "find my friends" checked
 xx   byte   1 - service "set ICQ homepage" checked
 xx   byte   1 - service "available for chat" checked
 xx   byte   1 - service "add email signature" checked
 01   byte   unknown field
 01   byte   unknown field
 xx xx   word (LE)   user birth year
 xx xx   word (LE)   unknown (reserved for user age ?)
 xx   byte   spoken language #1 code
 xx   byte   spoken language #2 code
 xx   byte   spoken language #3 code
 xx   byte   user gender code (1 - female, 2 - male)
 01 00 00 00   ---   unknown data
 xx xx   word (LE)   number of registered owners (N)
 xx xx xx xx   dword (LE)   registered owner uin #1
 ...   ...   ...
 xx xx xx xx   dword (LE)   registered owner uin #N
 xx xx   word (LE)   length of ICQ install key
 xx .. 00   asciiz   ICQ unique install key (find it in registry)
 xx   byte   "Save password": 1 - yes, 0 - no
 xx   byte   1 - save pass selection was in second window
 xx   byte   1 - "city" field was filled by user
 xx   byte   unknown flag

Example SNAC dump:

  00 15 00 02 00 00 00 11 00 02 00 01 00 7D 7B 00  ........ .....}{.
  CA ED B4 03 D0 07 12 00 A5 0A 05 00 2D 00 01 00  ........ ....-...
  C1 0E 55 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ..U..... ........
  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00  ........ ........
  07 00 8F E4 5E 00 99 ED B4 03 9A ED B4 03 91 E4  ....^... ........
  5E 00 AA ED B4 03 92 E4 5E 00 CA ED B4 03 27 00  ^....... ^.....'.
  7B 38 33 45 41 36 43 35 30 2D 41 38 46 36 2D 34  {83EA6C5 0-A8F6-4
  42 45 44 2D 38 35 34 41 2D 30 30 35 36 46 36 36  BED-854A -0056F66
  33 46 36 31 38 7D 00 01 00 00 00                 3F618}.. ...

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