this snac used to found free-for-chat user from specified group. Server should reply via SNAC(15,03)/07DA/0366 which contain success flag and optionaly (on success) found user uin.

 00 15   word   SNAC family
 00 02   word   SNAC subtype
 00 01   word   SNAC flags
 xx xx xx xx   dword   SNAC request-id
 00 01   word   TLV.Type(1) - encapsulated META_DATA
 xx xx   word   TLV.Length
 xx xx   word (LE)   data chunk size (TLV.Length-2)
 xx xx xx xx   dword (LE)   request owner uin
 D0 07   word (LE)   data type: META_DATA
 02 00   word (LE)   request sequence number
 4E 07   word (LE)   data subtype: META_SEARCH_RANDOM
 xx xx   word (LE)   random group to search

Example SNAC dump with flap header:

  2A 02 1E 30 00 1C 00 15 00 02 00 00 00 10 00 02 *..0............
  00 01 00 0E 0C 00 8F E4 5E 00 D0 07 15 00 4E 07 ........^.....N.
  03 00                                            ..

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