This is the chat room message from server. AIM chat use only channel 3 messages. Reflection flag used to receive own messages. See also additional information about online userinfo block.

 00 0E   word   SNAC family
 00 06   word   SNAC subtype
 00 00   word   SNAC flags
 xx xx xx xx   dword   SNAC request-id
   xx xx xx xx
 xx xx xx xx
  qword   msg-id cookie
   00 03   word   message channel
 00 03   word   TLV.Type(0x03) - sender information
 xx xx   word   TLV.Length
   xx   byte   screenname (uin) strlen
   xx ..   ascii   screenname (uin) string
   xx xx   word   warning level
   00 03   word   number of info TLVs (user info block)
 00 01   word   TLV.Type(0x01) - user class
 00 02   word   TLV.Length
 xx xx   word   user class
 00 0f   word   TLV.Type(0x0f) - user idle time
 00 04   word   TLV.Length
 xx xx xx xx   dword   user idle time in seconds
 00 03   word   TLV.Type(0x03) - signon time
 00 04   word   TLV.Length
 xx xx xx xx   dword   signon time (unix time_t)
 00 01   word   TLV.Type(0x01) - public/whisper flag
 00 00   word   TLV.Length
 empty (no tlv data)
 00 05   word   TLV.Type(0x05) - message information
 xx xx   word   TLV.Length
 00 02   word   TLV.Type(0x02) - message encoding
 xx xx   word   TLV.Length
 xx ..   ascii   message encoding string
 00 03   word   TLV.Type(0x03) - message language
 xx xx   word   TLV.Length
 xx ..   ascii   message language abbr
 00 01   word   TLV.Type(0x01) - message text
 xx xx   word   TLV.Length
 xx ..   ascii   message text (html)

Example SNAC dumps with flap header:

  2A 02 EE FA 00 B0 00 0E 00 06 00 00 9B 7D BD 28  *............}.(
  33 41 35 36 35 43 38 37 00 03 00 03 00 28 0D 52  3A565C87.....(.R
  45 41 4C 52 65 67 72 65 73 73 6F 72 00 00 00 03  EALRegressor....
  00 01 00 02 00 10 00 0F 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 03  ................
  00 04 3E 4C BE 8C 00 01 00 00 00 05 00 68 00 02  ..<L.........h..
  00 08 75 73 2D 61 73 63 69 69 00 03 00 02 65 6E
  00 01 00 52 3C 48 54 4D 4C 3E 3C 42 4F 44 59 20  ...R<HTML><BODY 
  42 47 43 4F 4C 4F 52 3D 22 23 66 66 66 66 66 66  BGCOLOR="#ffffff
  22 3E 3C 46 4F 4E 54 20 4C 41 4E 47 3D 22 30 22  "><FONT LANG="0"
  3E 48 69 2E 2E 2E 2E 20 41 6E 79 62 6F 64 79 20  >Hi.... Anybody 
  3F 3C 2F 46 4F 4E 54 3E 3C 2F 42 4F 44 59 3E 3C  ?</FONT></BODY><
  2F 48 54 4D 4C 3E                                /HTML>

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